Position: Risk Officer
Job Full Summary
This role is responsible for designing, implementing, assessing,
monitoring and integration of the Risk Management process into the day-to-day
business at Reliance Insurance.
Minimum Qualification: Bachelor
Experience Level: Mid level
Experience Length: 4 years
Job Full Description
Established in the year 1998, Reliance Insurance Company (T) Ltd
is one of the leading non-life insurers in Tanzania having pan regional
presence in Dar es Salaam, Arusha, Mwanza and Mbeya. The company offers full
array of non-life insurance products like Fire, Engineering, Motor, Work-men
compensation, Liability, Marine Hulland Aviation Etc. Reliance had been making
a steady progress and has established itself as a reliable player with high
reputation for prompt, efficient and effective customer service backed by a
strong financial base in the Tanzania Insurance industry.
1. Risk Officer
This role is responsible for designing, implementing, assessing,
monitoring and integration of the Risk Management process into the day-to-day
business at Reliance Insurance. Ensuring compliance by all staff to the laid
down code of conduct or take other appropriate means to commit the company to
comply with all applicable laws, regulations, supervisory decisions and
internal policies, and conduct its business ethically and responsibly.
2. Primary Responsibilities:
Formulating risk strategy, implementing and integrating across
various departments
Developing plans, standards, procedures and guidelines to
support the implementation of Risk policies and frameworks
Identifying and maintaining an aggregated view of the risk
profile of the company as a legal entity by developing and updating the risk
Assessing the company’s capacity to absorb risk with respect to
nature, probability, duration, correlation and potential severity including
monitoring and conducting regular stress testing, scenario analyses and other
specialist analyses of risks.
Communicating the risk management policies to all employees as
well as organizing and conducting risk management trainings, awareness
initiatives to ensure risk and compliance culture
Report to Management, Key Persons in control functions and the
Board on the company's risk profile, significant compliance issues and details
on the risk exposures facing the company and related mitigation actions as
3. Qualifications
Academic Qualifications
Bachelor’s degree in Business, Risk Management, Actuarial
Science, Insurance or an equivalent
Professional Qualification
CPA or Risk Management qualification or CISA
4. Experience
At least 4 years in a risk management environment in the
financial industry, preferably insurance.
How to Apply ?
Please manually apply for this job using the details below:
Applicants are requested to submit their resumes giving the
details of three referees along with copies of certificates. The deadline for
receipt of all applications is 5:00 Pm on Friday 10th September 2019.
Application can be hand delivered with the envelops clearly marking the
position applied for at the address given below and or/or sent by email
"The Chief Executive Officer"
Reliance Insurance Company (T) Limited,
3rd & 4th Floor, Reliance House, Plot no 356, United Nations
Road Upanga
P. O. Box 9826,
Dar es Salaam – Tanzania.
Tel: 2120088 – 90 / Fax: 2112903
Email: hr@reliance.co.tz